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Biomedical Imaging Group
BIG > Algorithms > Automated Blood Flow Monitoring from Color Flow Doppler Vectorization




Java Code


Video examples


We are seeking to develop this solution further, as we feel it has potential for continuous monitoring applications.

We would be happy to discuss potential applications and technology transfers with any interested institution or company.

Please contact Dr. Raoul Schorer for inquiries.

Automated Blood Flow Monitoring from Color Flow Doppler Vectorization

Raoul Schorer, Department of Anaesthesiology, Geneva University Hospital

Anaïs Badoual and Daniel Sage, Biomedical Image Group, EPFL, Switzerland

Brune Bastide and Axel Vandebrouck, EPFL, Switzerland

Left: video stream of the Color Flow Doppler. Right: Segmentation of the vessel on interlaced frames. Bottom: Measured flow in real-time

  • Monitoring the blood based on the short axis view.
  • Real-time computation of the blood flow.
  • Automatic system: no need for manual tuning.
  • Standard and low cost: software solution usable with any Color Flow Doppler machine
  • Reproducible: complete automation, no room for operator influence.
  • Polyvalent: adaptive to any ultrasound probe type (e.g. transesophageal)
  • Extensible to other image analysis functionalities (e.g. complex targeting).


An ongoing issue in vascular medicine is the measure of the blood flow. Catheterization remains the gold standard measurement method, although non-invasive techniques are an area of intense research. We hereby present an computational method for real-time measurement of the blood flow from color flow Doppler data, with a focus on simplicity and monitoring instead of diagnostics. We then analyze the performance of a proof-of-principle software implementation.



R. Schorer, A. Badoual, B. Bastide, A. Vandebrouck, M. Licker, D. Sage, "A Feasability Study of Color Flow Doppler Vectorization for Automated Blood Flow Monitoring," Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, in press, 2016.

Java code


We provide here the Java code for the demonstrator of the blood flow measurement from the video of Color Doppler Flow. It is enough fast to run in real-time.



Video Examples

Common Carotid artery (angle change)

Common Carotid artery (red)

Common Carotid artery (red blue)

Femoral Artery (red blue)

External and Internal Carotid Artery (blue)

External and Internal Carotid Artery (blue)

Iliac Artery (red blue)

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