// Example of macro calling the PureDenoise plugin // Syntax of PureDenoise call from a macro // Automatic mode: // run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='nf cs' estimation='Auto Global' "); // run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='nf cs' estimation='Auto Individual' "); // where nf is an integer (odd) value representing the number of frames // and cs the number of cycle-spins [1..10]. // // Manual mode: // run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='nf cs' estimation='Manual a d s' "); // where a is alpha, the detector gain, // d is delta the detector offset, // and s is the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise // Load an input image run("URL...", "url=http://bigwww.epfl.ch/algorithms/denoise/dataset/Noisy-Test-Data.tif"); rename("Input PureDenoise Macro"); // Fastest (mono-channnel/non-redundant/manual parameters setting) selectWindow("Input PureDenoise Macro"); run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='1 1' estimation='Manual 1.0 0.0 1.0' "); rename("Manual nf=1 cs=1"); // Medium (multi-channnel(3)/redundant(4)/global parameters estimation) selectWindow("Input PureDenoise Macro"); run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='3 4' estimation='Auto Global' "); rename("Auto-Global nf=3 cs=4"); // Slow (multi-channnel(10)/redundant(4)/individual parameters estimation) selectWindow("Input PureDenoise Macro"); run("PureDenoise ", "parameters='10 4' estimation='Auto Individual' "); rename("Auto-Individual nf=10 cs=4");