
2022: Signal Processing for Communications, jointly with Paolo Prandoni, Bachelor level, EPFL.

2021: Mathematical Foundations of Signal Processing, jointly with Matthieu Simeoni and Benjamín Béjar Haro, Master level, EPFL.

2017: TA for the doctoral course on Sparse Stochastic Processes by Prof. Michael Unser, EPFL.

2012-2016: TA for Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems by Prof. Michael Unser, bachelor level, EPFL.

PhD Students

2021-: Adrian Jarret (co-direction with Matthieu Simeoni and Martin Vetterli)

2017-2022: Thomas Debarre (co-direction with Michael Unser)

2017-2022: Shayan Aziznejad (co-supervision with Michael Unser)

Master Thesis Supervision

2020: Adrian Jarret (with Matthieu Simeoni), Novel Algorithms for Spline-based Reconstruction on the Torus.

2018: Anna Song (with Virginie Uhlmann and Michael Unser), Shape analysis of C. elegans datasets using dictionary learning.

2017: Camille Boymond (with Adrien Depeursinge and Michael Unser), 3D Steerable Filter Learning for Efficient Volumetric Image Analysis.

2017: Thomas Debarre (with Harshit Gupta and Michael Unser), Exact Discretization of Continuous-domain Linear Inverse Problems with Generalized TV Regularization using B-splines.

2017: Benjamin Beck (with Adrien Depeursinge and Michael Unser), Design of Optimal 2D-steerable Filters: Theory and Implementation.

2016: Lilian Besson (with Michael Unser), A Theoretical Study of Steerable Homogeneous Operators and Applications.

2013: Thomas Pumir de Louvigny (with Michael Unser), Investigation of the Multiscale Statistics of Natural and Biomedical Images.


2012: French Agrégation de mathématiques.