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Matthieu Guerquin-Kern was born in France in 1983. He studied electrical engineering at University of Paris-Sud 11 and ÉNS Cachan. In 2007, he obtained a M.Sc. in applied mathematics from ÉNS Cachan. Meanwhile, he became laureate from the competitive examination of the French public education system, know as “agrégation”, in applied physics and electrical engineering. He carried out his Ph.D. at the Biomedical Imaging Group at EPFL (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. M. Unser. Since September 2011, he is lecturer at ÉNSEA, a French graduate school in electrical engineering and computer science. His teaching interests include electrical engineering, mathematics and physics. His research interests include inverse problems, large-scale optimization, nonlinear reconstruction, and applications to biomedical imaging.

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