Color Segmentation
A ImageJ plugin to cluster color pixel driven by the user input
Color Segmentation
This ImageJ plugin allows to segment an color image by pixels clustering. The cluster has to defined manually by the user through the friendly interface. Two algorithms of clustering are proposed: K-means and the Hidden Markov Model.
To run the plugin you should first download ImageJ. ImageJ is a free image-processing software running on all plateforms. The whole installation process should not take more than a couple of minutes.
Download the JAR file and put it into the plugins directory of ImageJ
Reference (PDF)
D. Sage, M. Unser Easy Java Programming for Teaching Image Processing
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'01), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001.
Conditions of use
- You are free to use this software for research purposes.
- The source code is distributed on GNU GPL licence.
- In addition, we expect you to include a citation whenever you present or publish results that are based on it.
- Open a color (RGB) image and select the POINTCROSS tool in the toolbar of Imagej.
- Choose the first color cluster (e.g. A) and define the color by clicking on the image.
- Choose the second color cluster (e.g. B) and define the color by clicking on the image.
- In the dialog box, you can check the color appareance, and the mean values on R, G, and B channel. You can also control the standard deviation σ, a large value of σ can produce bad result because the color you have chosen if too disparate.
- Choose another cluster, if you want. The maximum number of cluster is 10.
- Select the data organization, independant channels or joint channels.
- Select the algorithm, K-Means (faster one) or Hidden Markov Model which add spatial constraints.
- Click on 'Run' to produce an ouptut image.
- To produce a binary image from the cluster image you may be use the ImageJ plugin Threshold_Colour of G. Landini.