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Signals and systems for micro-engineering (I + II)

M. Unser and P. Vandergheynst

Micro-engineering bachelor
EPFL Moodle


Introduction of the basic concepts and mathematical tools for the characterization of signals, and for the analysis and design of linear systems (filters or transmission channels). Application of these techniques to signal processing and communications. The first semester is devoted to the continuous-time formulation, while the second one focuses on discrete-time signals and digital systems.

Contents I
  1. Introduction. Fundamental notions. Structure of a communication system.
  2. Time-domain analysis of linear, continuous-time systems. Convolution.
  3. Signal representation by Fourier series. Orthogonal transforms.
  4. Fourier transform.
  5. Frequency analysis of continuous-time systems. Filtering. Sampling.
  6. Application to communications.
  7. Analysis and synthesis of analog filters.
Contents II
  1. Discrete signals and systems. Discrete convolution. z-transform.
  2. Time-domain analysis of discrete signals.
  3. Discrete-time Fourier transform. FFT.
  4. Frequency analysis of discrete systems.
  5. Statistical properties of signals.
  6. Source and channel coding of signals.
  7. Digital communications.
Recommended texbooks
  1. M. Unser, Signaux et Systèmes—Vol. 1, slides of the course.
  2. M. Unser, Signaux et Systèmes—Vol. 2, slides of the course.
  3. B.P. Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Oxford University Press, UK, 1998.

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