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Template Matching
  Introduction   roundleft Matching with a 3*3 kernel roundright   Matching with a model
Template matching with a 3*3 kernel
Be patient to load the applet!
bullet Description

The template matching demonstration convolves an image with a 3*3 kernel. With an appropriate definition of the kernel , the algorithm can be used as a edge detector.

There are predefined kernels to standard detectors, but you can also enter your own kernel (Customize).

bullet Demonstration

This demonstrations exists in 2 forms:

Instruction to use the applet

  1. Choose an image to process. The Octagon is a good test image to use the predefined detectors
  2. Choose a predefined detectors or customize your own one by enter the 3*3 kernel.
  3. Press on the "Run" button to compute the result image.

For the ION/Java demo, by pressing on the "Capture" button you have an opportunity to save the image in GIF format.

EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
BIG Biomedical Imaging Group
Address: DMT/IOA, BM-Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Imaging Web Demonstration
Contact: Webmaster
08 February 2000