"http://$wwwroot/index.html", 'caption' => 'BIG'); $track[1] = array('link'=> "http://$wwwroot/people.html", 'caption' => 'People'); $track[2] = array('link'=> "http://$wwwroot/guerquin", 'caption' => 'MGK'); $track[3] = array('link'=> "", 'caption' => 'How to?'); //$selection_menu = 'People'; include "$root/inc/header.html"; //include the EPFL-style header include "$root/inc/menu.html"; //include the BIG left menu ?>
The BIG website provides some php macros for the header, the left menu and the footer. They are very usefull because if the webmaster wants to change something in the whole website (e.g. a nem entry in the menu), he just has to change the concerned macro and the changes will be applied to every page calling it. The footer is also very usefull because providing automatically the last update display.
As an example you can find the code of this page here.
I wrote my personal page using some php features.
You can use and modify it easily for your home page. The code is here.
This is an example of a semester project webpage.
You can use and modify it easily for your's. The code is here.