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ImageJ is a general-purpose image-process software inspired by the well-known NIH Image software. It is written in Java, meaning that it can run on any platforms with a Java Virtual Machine. The application and the source are freely available. The author, Wayne Rasband, is at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

On the web site of ImageJ (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/) you can :

  • Download a recent version and install ImageJ (take less than 1 minute)
  • Consult the user documentation
  • Download the source code and the API
  • Add the source code and the API

What does ImageJ do?

  • Read and write various formats of an image file (e.g., TIFF, GIF, BMP)
  • Display capabilities: zooming, contrast and brightness controls
  • Copy/paste
  • Provide some statistical information: measurement, histogram, etc
  • Include standard image processing functions: filtering, morphology, etc
  • Extensible by adding plugins (see below)


Plugins in ImageJ

The plugins reside in the plugins directory. Both the source code and class should be present in the plugins directory. The name should end with an underscore (e.g., PointwiseTransform_.class and PointwiseTransform_.java).

A plugin needs two source files for the image processing laboratories:

  1. The ImageJ interface (e.g., Threshold_.java)
  2. The dialog-box class (e.g., Threshold.java)

The plugin function are called from the plugins menu of ImageJ.