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EPFL   Image Processing Lab
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How To

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How to install ImageJ?

Use the shortcut: "Démarrer" -> "Programmes" -> "ImageJ" -> "Installation ImageJ" to copy the recent version of ImageJ in C:\temp\ImageJ with the plugins of the current session.

You should re-install ImageJ at the beginning of each session.

The installation procedure destroys the current version of ImageJ, including the plugins directory and replaces it by a trusted one.

How to run ImageJ?

Use the shortcut: "Démarrer" -> "Programmes" -> "ImageJ" -> "Lancement ImageJ"

How to edit a Java source file?

Use the shortcut: "Démarrer" -> "Programmes" -> "ImageJ" -> "Edition Projet" to open a project in CodeWarrior. Then, choose a Java file and click on it.

How to compile ImageJ?

Use the shortcut: "Démarrer" -> "Programmes" -> "ImageJ" -> "Edition Projet" to open a project in CodeWarrior. Then, press F7 or click on the button shows in red.

Is there backup?

No. To backup your files, copy them on your own account or on removable media such as floppy disk or ZIP.

Where can I save my images? In which format?

In the working directory c:\temp\.

Use the preferred TIFF format in 8 bits.

There is no guarantee that these data will be conserved from session to session. See the previous point at "backup".

How to submit my files? When?

There is an electronic submission page to send your files. The teacher will take the lastest version of your files right after the deadline.