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Java Introduction

Java documentation

Java is a programming language

  • New programming language;
  • Strong influence of C (syntax and operators) and Smalltalk;
  • Easier to learn than C++ because the more complex concepts are not integrated in Java;
  • Huge library of classes that cover various topics such as network management, security, and graphical user interface. There are two libraries form the graphical user interface: AWT and Swing;
  • High-performance;
  • Supports multithreading, a very powerful functionality.

Java is a robust language

  • Strongly typed language;
  • Extensive compilation-time checking;
  • Explicit declarations of data and methods;
  • No pointers;
  • Checking of bounds in arrays;
  • Automatic garbage collector;
  • Exception handling.

Java is object-oriented

It supports the three major features of object-oriented programming:

  • encapsulation
  • polymorphism
  • inheritance

In an object-oriented system, a class is a collection of data and methods that operate on the data. Object-oriented programming is quite a change from procedural programming; the process of designing objects is much more challenging than conventional design.

Java is platform-neutral

The motto of Sun, who invented the Java language, is "write once, run anywhere". Consult the next page.

Java is a distributed language

One of the main features of Java is the possibility to create applets. An applet is a Java program integrated in a HTML page and that can be executed from a web browser. Java and its versions:
  • Java 1.0, lastest version 1.02 (220 classes)
  • Java 1.1, lastest version 1.1.8 (500 classes)
  • Java 1.2, (recalled Java 2), lastest version Java 2, v1.3 ( 1600 classes)