ISBI eurobioimaging
Open Bio Image Alliance

Deconvolution — Making the Most of Fluorescence Microscopy

Deconvolution is one of the most common image-reconstruction tasks that arise in 3D fluorescence microscopy. The aim of this challenge is to benchmark existing deconvolution algorithms and to stimulate the community to look for novel, global and practical approaches to this problem.

The challenge will be divided into two stages: a training phase and a competition (testing) phase. It will primarily be based on realistic-looking synthetic data sets representing various sub-cellular structures. In addition it will rely on a number of common and advanced performance metrics to objectively assess the quality of the results.

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The results of the first edition of the challenge have been presented during a special session at ISBI 2013 on Sunday, April 8, 2013. Below is the list of the participants with the top-3 submissions. Thanks to the financial support of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, these participants have been awarded money prizes!

  1. Ferréol Soulez, Lyon University, France
  2. David Biggs, KB Imaging Solutions, USA
  3. Hiep Luong, Gent University, Belgium

Some slides that summarize the presentation given during the ISBI special session are available here.

The old website can still be accessed here.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission

The registered participants will receive soon a personalized upload link.

January 6, 2014

Beginning of evaluation stage

The evaluation stage of the second edition of the challenge has started.

November 6, 2013

Evaluation stage

The official stage of the challenge will last around 2 months.

November/December, 2013

Beginning of training stage

The training stage of the second edition of the challenge has started. Follow this link to register and receive e-mail updates.

July 17, 2013