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Biomedical Imaging Group
3D Deconvolution Microscopy
BIG >  3D Deconvolution Microscopy


Open Software

» DeconvolutionLab2

» DeconvolutionLab

» PSF Generator

3D Reference Datasets


Advanced Methods

Conditions of Use










The remasterized Java deconvolution tool

DeconvolutionLab2 is freely accessible and open-source for 3D deconvolution microscopy; it can be linked to well-known imaging software platforms, ImageJ, Fiji, ICY, Matlab, and it runs as a stand-alone application.

The backbone of our software architecture is a library that contains the number-crunching elements of the deconvolution task. It includes the tool for a complete validation pipeline. Inquisitive minds inclined to peruse the code will find it fosters the understanding of deconvolution.

At this stage, DeconvolutionLab2 includes a friendly user interface to run the following algortihms: Regularized Inverse Filter, Tikhonov Inverse Filter, Naive Inverse Filter, Richardson-Lucy, Richardson-Lucy Total Variation, Landweber (Linear Least Squares), Non-negative Least Squares, Bounded-Variable Least Squares, Van Cittert, Tikhonov-Miller, Iterative Constraint Tikhonov-Miller, FISTA, ISTA.



D. Sage, L. Donati, F. Soulez, D. Fortun, G. Schmit, A. Seitz, R. Guiet, C. Vonesch, M. Unser

DeconvolutionLab2 : An Open-Source Software for Deconvolution Microscopy

Methods-Image Processing for Biologists, vol. 115, 2017.

Installation of DeconvolutionLab2




Version 2.1.2 (27.06.2018)

Do not unzip this downloaded file



Put the file DeconvolutionLab_2.jar in the plugins folder and restart ImageJ or Fiji. Check the menu Plugins » DeconvolutionLab2.

  1. » DeconvolutionLab2 Lab: Start the complete user interface of DeconvolutionLab2
  2. » DeconvolutionLab2 Run: Run headless a deconvolution command given as a macro
  3. » DeconvolutionLab2 Launch: launch the GUI for a deconvolution command provided as a macro

Example of ImageJ macro

	image = " -image synthetic Cube 10.0 1.0 size 200 100 100"
	psf = " -psf synthetic Double-Helix 3.0 30.0 10.0 size 200 100 100"
	algorithm = " -algorithm RIF 0.1000 -out mip MI1 -path home"
	run("DeconvolutionLab2 Launch", image + psf + algorithm + parameters)




Put the DeconvolutionLab_2 into the java folder of Matlab

Example of Matlab commands

	javaaddpath([matlabroot filesep 'java' filesep 'DeconvolutionLab_2.jar'])
	result = DL2.RIF(rand(40, 40, 30), rand(30, 30, 30), 0.125, '-out mip rand');

Stand-alone application

Require a Java JDK 1.8 properly installed in the machine.

Double-click on the DeconvolutionLab_2.jar file to the start the user interface of DeconvolutionLab2.

Java code

Use the DeconvolutionLab2 as a Java library

Snippet of Java code

	RealSignal r = Lab.getImage("fundus.tif");
	RealSignal h = new DirectionalMotionBlur(2, 20, 20).generate(r.nx, r.ny,;
	Simulation sim = new Simulation(0, 1, 0);
	RealSignal y =, h);
	TikhonovRegularizedInverseFilter trif = new TikhonovRegularizedInverseFilter(0.001);
	RealSignal x =, h);, "TRIF " + i);

Not yet ready for the centralized distribution on the Icy website

Command line interface
  1. To run the user interface of Deconvolutionlab2, enter the following command line in the terminal:
    	java -jar DeconvolutionLab_2.jar Lab
  2. To run a deconvolution task with a command following this example:
    	java -jar DeconvolutionLab_2.jar Run 
    	-image synthetic Cube 10.0 1.0 size 200 100 100 
    	-psf synthetic Double-Helix 3.0 30.0 10.0 size 200 100 100 intensity 255.0 
    	-algorithm RIF 0.1000 -out mip MI1 -path home
Source code, documentation, previous versions
Source code on GitHub git clone
History Status of the development
Library API Java doc
Version 2.0.0 DeconvolutionLab_2-2.0.0.jar
FFT Libraries
JTransforms Visit the page of JTransforms
JTransforms is already included in Fiji and Icy
Get a JTransforms.jar file and put it in the same directory than DeconvolutionLab_2.jar
Version 2
It is include the FFTW2 dynamic libraries
for Mac OSX, and Windows 32-bits and 64-bits machines, and Linux 32-bits and 64-bits machines.
Download the folder, unzip it and put it in the same directory than DeconvolutionLab_2.jar

How to use Deconvolution2

▶ Image

Drag and drop

Drag and drop the input image file (or directory) into the Image bar or in the image table


Select a file containing a z-stack of images (default path is indicated in Path)


Select a directory containing the list of images (only files which have a name containing the pattern)


Create a synthetic image by choosing its shape, size, and intensity


Select one of the open images of the platform (ImageJ)


Select the active image window of the platform (ImageJ)


Drag and drop

Drag and drop the PSF image file (or directory) into the PSF bar or in the PSF table


Select a file containing a z-stack of images (default path is indicated in Path)


Select a directory containing the list of images (only files which have a name containing the pattern)


Create a synthetic PSF by choosing its shape, size, and intensity


Select one of the open images of the platform (ImageJ)


Select the active image window of the platform (ImageJ)

▶ Algorithm

  • Choose an algorithm

  • Select the parameters

▶ Path

  • Drag and drop a directory used as working directory
  • Select the current directory as main directory


Run the deconvolution task in headless mode


Start the deconvolution dialog box, then Run the deconvolution task


The current deconvolution command is added in the Batch table (see Advanced tab)

Algorithms of DeconvolutionLab2

Algorithms Shortname Iterative Step Controllable Regularization Wavelets
Regularized Inverse Filter

Laplacian Regularized Inverse Filter



Direct No Yes
Tikhonov Regularized Inverse Filter TRIF Direct No Yes
Naive Inverse Filter

Inverse Filter



Direct No Yes
Richardson-Lucy RL Iterative No No
Richardson-Lucy Total Variation RLTV Iterative No Yes

Linear Least Squares



Iterative Yes No
Non-negative Least Squares




Iterative Yes No
Bounded-Variable Least Squares




Iterative Yes No
Van Cittert VC Iterative Yes No
Tikhonov-Miller TM Iterative Yes Yes
Iterative Constraint Tikhonov-Miller ICTM Iterative Yes Yes
FISTA FISTA Iterative No Yes Haar, Spline
ISTA ISTA Iterative No Yes Haar, Spline
Simulation SIM Direct Convolution with a PSF and corruption with Gaussian and Poisson noise
Convolution CONV Direct Convolution with a PSF (no additive noise)
Identity I Direct Copy the input into the output
Non-stabilized Division DIV Direct Division by a PSF in the Fourier domain

Synopsis of the algorithms of DeconvolutionLab2

Scripting DeconvolutionLab2

The command line of DeconvolutionLab2 consists of a series of arguments that allows a full control of the processing. The command line is written in a single line, space is mostly used as separator. The general format of the argument is:

-keyword [option] parameters

The list of keywords and the options presenting in the following table. The sign | indicate a OR). The default value are written in bold

Keyword Default Options Description
-image file Mandatory Path to a single file (z-stack) usually a TIF or STK file Source of images.
The 3D input data should be a z-stack of images.
-image directory Path to a directory containing 2D images
-image synthetic Name and parameters of the shape
[intensity, size, center]>
-image platform Name of the image of the platform (ImageJ or Icy)
-psf file Mandatory Path to a single file (z-stack) used as PSF usually a TIF or STK file Source of PSF.
The 3D PSF data should be a z-stack of images.
-psf directory Path to a directory containing 2D images
-psf synthetic Name and parameters of the shape
[intensity, size, center]
-psf platform Name of the image of the platform (ImageJ or Icy)
-algorithm Mandatory RIF | TRIF | NIF | LW | NNLS | BVLS | RL | RLTV | TM | ICTM | ISTA | FISTA | VC | I | CONV | SIM | DIV

Synonym of the acronym:

Name and parameter of the algorithm
-path current current | path Working directory
Output (several instances of out are possible)
-out stack intact float

Name of the output:

Note that this name is used as title of the window image and as the filename for the storage

Option for dynamic:

intact | rescaled | normalized | clipped

Option for type:

byte | short | float


By default the output is shown and saved.

nosave | noshow

Output as a stack of images (TIF)
-out series intact float Output as series of 2D images (slices, XY)
-out mip intact float Output as a maximum-intensity projection
-out ortho intact float Output as a 3 orthogonal views centered around the keypoint
-out planar intact float Outputs as a 2D side-to-side image of all the z-slices
-monitor console table console | table | no Selection of the monitoring output
-verbose log log | quiet | prolix | mute Message monitoring
-stats show show | save | no Statistics
-constraint no no | nonnegativity | clipped Spatial constraint on the signal
-residu no no | value Stops when the minimal residu is reached
-time no no | value Limitation of running time
-reference no no | filename Assess the current deconvolved image with the reference image
-pad NO NO 0 0 NO | X2 | X23 | X235 | E2 Lateral and axial padding and extension scheme
-apo NO NO UNIFORM | NO | HAMMING | HANN | COSINE | TUKEY | WELCH Lateral and axial apodization window function
-norm 1 no | value Normalization factor for the PSF
-fft fastest academic | jtransforms | fftw2 Indicates the FFT library
-epsilon 1E-6 value Machine Epsilon


-image synthetic Cube 10.0 1.0 size 200 100 100 intensity 255.0 -psf synthetic Double-Helix 3.0 30.0 10.0 size 200 100 100 intensity 255.0 -algorithm RIF 0.1000 -out mip MI1 -norm 10.0 -path home

Deconvolution of a time lapse series

Paul Kefer and Pierre-Alexandre Vidi, Dept of Cancer Biology at the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, have written a ImageJ macro to deconvolve a series of frames by the algorithm RIF of DeconvolutionLab2.

Download the Image Macro: time_lapse_deconvolvution_rif.ijm


Material Download Size Description
Slide in PDF (without the animation/video) 3D-Deconvolution-Microscopy.pdf 4.6 Mb Course given in Neubias 2020, February 2017
Restoration 0.6 Mb 2D simulation, influence of the PSF shape to restore the original image
Naive Inverse Filter 3.3 Mb 2D simulation of the inverse filter
Simulation to check the resolution test-resolution.ijm 0 Mb Macro to generate simulated data and simulated PSF
Simulation to check the spectral effect 0.7 Mb 2D simulation of fine structures
Hollow bars 28 Mb 3D reference, 3D corruputed data and 3D PSF
Synthetic microtubules 63 Mb 3D data and 3D theoretical PSF of a realistic specimen
Drosophila (crop) 19 Mb Small 3D data and 3D theoritical PSF

Conditions of use

You'll be free to use this software for research purposes, but you must not transmit and distribute it without our consent. In addition, you undertake to include a citation whenever you present or publish results that are based on it. EPFL makes no warranties of any kind on this software and shall in no event be liable for damages of any kind in connection with the use and exploitation of this technology.