Least-Squares Image Resizing Using Finite Differences
A. Muñoz Barrutia, T. Blu, M. Unser
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1365–1378, September 2001.
We present an optimal spline-based algorithm for the enlargement or reduction of digital images with arbitrary (noninteger) scaling factors. This projection-based approach can be realized thanks to a new finite difference method that allows the computation of inner products with analysis functions that are B-splines of any degree n. A noteworthy property of the algorithm is that the computational complexity per pixel does not depend on the scaling factor a. For a given choice of basis functions, the results of our method are consistently better than those of the standard interpolation procedure; the present scheme achieves a reduction of artifacts such as aliasing and blocking and a significant improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. The method can be generalized to include other classes of piecewise polynomial functions, expressed as linear combinations of B-splines and their derivatives.
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