Fast Multipole Method
Jan Kybic, Czech Technical University, Center for Machine Perception
Jan Kybic, Czech Technical University, Center for Machine Perception
Seminar • 28 March 2006 • BM.5.202
More Info ...AbstractThe accurate solution of the forward electrostatic problem is an essential first step before solving the inverse problem of magneto- and electro-encephalography (MEG/EEG). The symmetric Galerkin boundary element method is accurate but cannot be used for very large problems because of its computational complexity and memory requirements. We describe a~fast multipole-based acceleration for the symmetric boundary element method (BEM). It creates a hierarchical structure of the elements and approximates far interactions using spherical harmonics expansions. The accelerated method is shown to be as accurate as the direct method, yet for large problems it is both faster and more economical in terms of memory consumption.