Sparsity-based techniques for diffraction tomography
Thanh-an Pham, EPFL STI LIB
Thanh-an Pham, EPFL STI LIB
Meeting • 27 February 2018
AbstractOptical diffraction tomography (ODT) relies on solving an inverse scattering problem governed by the wave equation. Classical reconstruction algorithms are based on linear approximations of the forward model (Born or Rytov), which limits their applicability to thin samples with low refractive-index (RI) contrasts. In the ODT setting, the measurements are complex (amplitude and phase). However, because in some applications the phase of the scattered field cannot be measured, it is of interest to reconstruct the RI from intensity measurements. In the first part of my talk, I will present our recent work that have shown the benefit of adopting nonlinear models in the ODT setting (complex measurements). They account for multiple scattering and reflections, improving the quality of reconstruction. I will then present another recent work that proposed a reconstruction framework to obtain RI maps from intensity-only measurements.