Probing Intracellular Elasticity with Minimal-Hessian Registration
Y. Kesenci, A. Boquet-Pujadas, M. Unser, J.-C. Olivo-Marin
Proceedings of the Twentieth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'23), Cartagena de Indias, Republic of Colombia, April 18-21, 2023, paper no. 435.
We propose an image-based elastography method to measure the heterogeneous stiffness inside a cell and its nucleus. It uses a widely accessible setup consisting of plate compression imaged with fluorescence microscopy. Our framework recovers a spatial map of Young's modulus from images of the intracellular displacements. These displacements are measured with a novel optical-flow technique characterised by a Hessian-Schatten norm regularizer. The aim is to favor piecewise-linear displacements because they reproduce solutions to linear elasticity problems well when the underlying modulus is piecewise-constant, as is often the case in cells. Our computational approach is fast enough for long timelapse acquisitions and 3D imaging. It is able to cope with two common pitfalls of biological elastography: high compressibility and small compressions to avoid damage. We show our method is faster and more accurate than the state-of-the-art.
@INPROCEEDINGS(, AUTHOR="Kesenci, Y. and Boquet-Pujadas, A. and Unser, M. and Olivo-Marin, J.-C.", TITLE="Probing Intracellular Elasticity with Minimal-{H}essian Registration", BOOKTITLE="Proceedings of the Twentieth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ({ISBI'23})", YEAR="2023", editor="", volume="", series="", pages="", address="Cartagena de Indias, Republic of Colombia", month="April 18-21,", organization="", publisher="", note="paper no.\ 435")