FALCON: Fast and Unbiased Reconstruction of High-Density Super-Resolution Microscopy Data
J. Min, C. Vonesch, H. Kirshner, L. Carlini, N. Olivier, S. Holden, S. Manley, J.C. Ye, M. Unser
Scientific Reports, vol. 4, no. 4577, pp. 1–9, April 3, 2014.
Super resolution microscopy such as STORM and (F)PALM is now a well known method for biological studies at the nanometer scale. However, conventional imaging schemes based on sparse activation of photo-switchable fluorescent probes have inherently slow temporal resolution which is a serious limitation when investigating live-cell dynamics. Here, we present an algorithm for high-density super-resolution microscopy which combines a sparsity-promoting formulation with a Taylor series approximation of the PSF. Our algorithm is designed to provide unbiased localization on continuous space and high recall rates for high-density imaging, and to have orders-of-magnitude shorter run times compared to previous high-density algorithms. We validated our algorithm on both simulated and experimental data, and demonstrated live-cell imaging with temporal resolution of 2.5 seconds by recovering fast ER dynamics.
Supplementary material
- Supplementary Note and Figures (PDF file) (1.07 Mb). This supplementary note contains the technical description and implementation details of the algorithm, along with a short survey of competing algorithms. The supplementary figures illustrate the supplementary note and the main text, too.
- Superresolution movie of live-ER data (GIF file) (2.22 Mb). This movie extends Figure 8 of the main text.
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