Non-Uniform to Uniform Grid Conversion Using Least-Squares Splines
A. Muñoz Barrutia, T. Blu, M. Unser
Proceedings of the Tenth European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'00), Tampere, Republic of Finland, September 4-8, 2000, vol. IV, pp. 1997–2000.
We propose a new technique to perform nonuniform to uniform grid conversion: first, interpolate using nonuniform splines, then project the resulting function onto a uniform spline space and finally, resample. We derive a closed form solution to the least-squares approximation problem. Our implementation is computationally exact and works for arbitrary sampling rates. We present examples that illustrate advantages of our projection technique over direct interpolation and resampling. The main benefit is the suppression of aliasing.
@INPROCEEDINGS(, AUTHOR="Mu{\~{n}}oz Barrutia, A. and Blu, T. and Unser, M.", TITLE="Non-Uniform to Uniform Grid Conversion Using Least-Squares Splines", BOOKTITLE="Proceedings of the Tenth European Signal Processing Conference ({EUSIPCO'00})", YEAR="2000", editor="", volume="{IV}", series="", pages="1997--2000", address="Tampere, Republic of Finland", month="September 4-8,", organization="", publisher="", note="")
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