Achieving Higher Resolution in 3D Fluorescence Imaging: Deconvolution Microscopy and Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
D. Sage
Actes de la journée thématique de l'INS21—Journée nouvelles imageries, Sciences de l'information et santé (JNI'20), Rennes, French Republic, December 16, 2020, pp. 4.
Advanced microscopy techniques yield outstanding images (3D, time-lapse, multichannel), allowing one to address fundamental questions in developmental biology, molecular biology and neuroscience. Most of these techniques deploy computational methods that numerically reconstruct high-resolution or super-resolution images from the degraded measurements. A faithful reconstruction of a 3D image requires knowledge of the image acquisition model which mainly consists of the 3D point-spread function (PSF). In this presentation, I shall review two such techniques that highly rely on the PSF: 1) 3D deconvolution microscopy that helps to remove the out-of-focus and to improve the contrast of 3D images, and 2) 3D single-molecule localization microscopy that allows one to achieve super-resolution images (~25 nm in the lateral plane, ~75 nm in the axial direction). This presentation is based on our experience of organizing a grand challenge to benchmark a wide range of softwares on the same reference datasets.
@INPROCEEDINGS(, AUTHOR="Sage, D.", TITLE="Achieving Higher Resolution in {3D} Fluorescence Imaging: {D}econvolution Microscopy and Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy", BOOKTITLE="Actes de la journ{\'{e}}e th{\'{e}}matique de l'{INS21}---{J}ourn{\'{e}}e nouvelles imageries, {S}ciences de l'information et sant{\'{e}} ({JNI'20})", YEAR="2020", editor="", volume="", series="", pages="4", address="Rennes, French Republic", month="December 16,", organization="", publisher="", note="")