TurboReg and Other ImageJ Plugins at the Biomedical Imaging Group of EPFL
P. Thévenaz
Proceedings of the Euro-BioImaging First Workshop on Bioimage Analysis Software: Is There a Future Beyond ImageJ? (WBAS'12), Barcelona, Kingdom of Spain, April 30-May 1, 2012, pp. 23.
We briefly present a non-exhaustive digest of some of the ImageJ plugins that were developed through the years by many authors at the Biomedical Imaging Group. While these plugins rely on advanced mathematical and algorithmic tools, we believe their user interface to be friendly enough that even non-experts can feel comfortable using them. We then focus on the specific plugin named TurboReg, which has been well received by many users. We look at it from a historical perspective, from its inception to its current state, discussing issues like development, coding, testing, deployment, documentation, update, extension, and user support. We draw a few lessons gained during its life cycle.
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