Complex wavelets with adjustable localization properties
Principal Investigator: Brigitte Forster
By defining B-splines with complex exponents, we are able to construct complex wavelet bases that are tunable in a continous fashion and that can closely approximate Gabor functions.
Complex wavelet transforms tend to have better shift-invariance and directional sensitivity than the classical real-valued separable ones. This makes them particularly attractive for image processing. The complex wavelets that are known so far are all based on filterbank design; the major limitation of this type of approach is that the convergence and analytical properties of underlying basis functions are not well understoodthis means that the current complex wavelets are fractal-like and lacking regularity, and that it is difficult to control their analytical properties. Ideally, we would like their real part to be the Hilbert transform of the imaginary part.
Main Contribution
In this work, we take an alternative point of view and specify a whole new family of complex wavelets starting from the properties of the underlying function spaces. The key idea lies in defining (fractional) B-splines with a complex exponent.
We have shown that these complex B-splines share most the properties of the classical polynomial B-splines and that they can generate a whole variety of multiresolution bases. The basis functions are tunable with respect to two parameters: The real part of the complex exponent is responsible for the smoothness, whereas the imaginary part induces a one-sided enhancement in the frequency domain. This latter property is especially interesting for signal analysis for it yields a decomposition into one-sided frequency bands, breaking the Hermitian symmetry (two-sided frequency bands) of the traditional real-valued transforms. Another important property is that we can define complex B-spline wavelets that are close approximations of complex-modulated Gaussians (Gabor functions) even for small degrees. This is extremely interesting because it is, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of wavelets that are optimally localized in time and frequency the sense of Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.
Our second approach to complex wavelets concentrates on the idea of rotation-invariance. To this end, we have introduced generalized complex polyharmonic radial bases functions that are angularly modulated with a phase factor, such that rotations of the analysed image results in a phase shift in the coefficients, but leave the absolute value unchanged. Thus, image rotations can be detected in the phase, but do not affect image processing methods operating on the magnitudes of the coefficients. Also in this case, we introduced a degree of freedom that allows us to tune the regularity of the wavelet basis according to the requirements of the image processing task. In both cases, we have developed a fast implementation of the wavelet transform in the Fourier domain. We tested both methods for denoising of MR images and found that they outperform classical real valued wavelet approaches.
Collaborations: Prof. Michael Unser, Dr. Thierry Blu
Period: 2002-ongoing
Funding: Grant from the Swiss Science Foundation
Major Publications
- , , , A New Family of Complex Rotation-Covariant Multiresolution Bases in 2D, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing X, San Diego CA, USA, August 4-8, 2003, vol. 5207, part I, pp. 475–479.
- , , , Complex B-Splines and Wavelets, Second International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Nineteenth Annual Shanks Lecture (CHA'04), Nashville TN, USA, May 24-30, 2004.