Phase Wrapping in X-ray Differential Phase-Contrast Tomography
Spring 2012
Master Semester Project
Project: 00236

Many materials in biological samples produce indicative phase shift in the transmitted beam while showing insignificant absorption contrast. Differential phase contrast imaging (DPCI) uses the phase information to retrieve the real part of the refractive index distribution of the object. The mathematical model of DPCI is based on the first derivative of the Radon Transform. One challenge in DPCI is phase wrapping in the measured data. In this project, we aim at presenting a method to diminish the efect of phase wrapping on the reconstructed image.
- Study on DPCI, phase wrapping and iterative reconstruction methods.
- presenting a method to solve the problem (we suggest to find an appropriate regularization term) and implementing in Java
- applying the proposed method on the real data.
Collaboration: Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI).
- Supervisors
- Masih Nilchian,, 021 693 51 37, BM 4.139
- Michael Unser,, 021 693 51 75, BM 4.136