Optical Flow Estimation under Sparsity Constraints
Autumn 2013
Master Semester Project
Project: 00261
The aim of this project is to formulate the problem of optical flow estimation in the framework of non-quadratic optimisation using sparsity-inducing penalties that impose or enhance certain types of vectorial behaviour while being invariant or quasi-invariant to a variety of geometrical transformations.
Prerequisites: Proficiency in MATLAB programming; solid understanding of linear algebra; some familiarity with convex optimisation would be helpful but is not strictly necessary.
- Supervisors
- Emrah Bostan, emrah.bostan@epfl.ch, 35142, BM 4.140
- Michael Unser, michael.unser@epfl.ch, 021 693 51 75, BM 4.136
- Pouya D. Tafti, pouya.tafti@epfl.ch, BM 4.142