Measuring ocular blood flow using steerable Hessian wavelets
Autumn 2015
Master Semester Project
Project: 00290

The in vivo measure of the retinal blood flow is very important to diagnose ocular diseases. The blood velocity can be derived from laser Doppler velocimetry. A measure of the local diameter of the vessels would allow estimating the retinal blood flow.
The response of steered Hessian wavelets may constitute an accurate method to estimate localized vessel diameters, where the diameter is expected to be proportional to linear combinations of the local maximum steered response of multi-scale Hessian filters. Basic knowledge in image processing and Matlab or Java will be helpful.
- Supervisors
- Adrien Depeursinge,, 021 693 5115, BM 4141
- Michael Unser,, 021 693 51 75, BM 4.136
- Prof Martial Geiser, HES-SO Sion