Texture segmentation based on steerable wavelets
Autumn 2015
Master Semester Project
Project: 00298

Steerable wavelets are a powerful tool for multiscale feature detection in images.
The goal of this project is to develop orientation-invariant texture features using steerable wavelets. The resulting feature image then drives an image segmentation process. This segmentation process will be based on the Potts model. Corresponding implementations shall be done in Matlab or Java (ImageJ or Icy library) thus basic knowledge in one the languages might be helpful.
- Supervisors
- Martin Storath, martin.storath@epfl.ch, 021 693 5136, BM 4.142
- Michael Unser, michael.unser@epfl.ch, 021 693 51 75, BM 4.136
- Adrien Depeursinge