Simulating realistic synthetic data sets for developing a self-driving microscope

Goal: The goal is to build a Java interactive software ("Flight Simulator") for generating simulated super-resolution datasets. It should also enable on-the-fly modification of the acquisition parameters in an attempt to mimic, for the first time, what would actually happen on the microscope when an expert does the acquisition. Such an interface is a requirement for the development, validation and comparison of future automated, machine learning driven, routines dedicated to super-resolution microscopy.
The Master project will be shared between two labs (the Laboratory of Experimental Biophysics led by Prof. S. Manley & the Biomedical Imaging Group led by Prof. M. Unser) and under the joint supervision of Dr. Sage and Dr. Griffié, allowing the student to work in a pluri-disciplinary environment
- Supervisors
- Daniel Sage,, 021 693 51 89, BM 4.135
- Michael Unser,, 021 693 51 75, BM 4.136
- Juliette Griffié and Suliana Manley LEB EPFL